Tag Archives: mobile app development

8 Golden Rules for Effective Android Application Development

Millions of customers switch on their smart Android devices daily for games, different applications and digital information. It’s the world-beating platform for creating games and apps. It’s the open market for selling and dispersing them. Android development provides huge possibilities to developers enthusiastic about making out of the box apps and video games in the cellular world. Not only will the developers create various apps and games utilizing the pulpit, but additionally disperse and sell it off easily.future technology development.android mobile application development

Listed here are 8 golden policies for efficient Android application development, accompanied by Android programmer along the route to improve the efficiency of their apps:

Initial rule base for perfecting the performance of your app for Android, is to only avoid other things that aren’t required for the application. Many new Android application developers usually ignore this stuff linked to the application and thus get an application that isn’t that good.

Stay away from virtual method calls as far as possible, when utilizing C / C ++, it’s wise to utilize getter or setter techniques instead of directly accessing the grounds to use; because this will enforce some limitations on application accessibility. However, with Android, it’s not best to name virtual techniques within the class.

It is best to use the virtual process calls for the community instead of the class. Lessen your layout intricacy and keep it easier. This is the very best idea to follow to ensure that your Android application development job is a success.

While designing it is best to use Relative Layout or even Grid Layout in order to create a simple design which is also super easy to understand. It’ll certainly help in enhancing the functionality of your app in Android. Only use a precompiled SQL statement or even careers which are often used.

Don’t create something simply because you have to make something in fact attempt to create something significant. When Android app advancement is done only for the reason of it, then the app is disastrous and won’t be able to wow its users.

Attempt to develop a catalog of the database to enhance queries for your app.

Try the local methods if they’re needed.

So we notice a number of essential rules or advice included in this document to aid Android application programmers of their Android application development process in order to create enhanced applications.

Ali Shivji is the blogger and CEO of developrobots.com writes articles about Android application development. For more information, visit us to contact with Ali or Follow us Facebook.

Content Source : http://blog.developrobots.com/8-golden-rules-for-effective-android-application-development/

Android Application Development: Rulling the App Market

With expanding sales of Android gadgets in the global market, it’s the ideal time for Android app developers to get going with some fresh exciting android applications. Prior to enter into this huge industry, there are some basic rewards that you must undergo. These benefits will let you out in trip towards making some innovative android application development down the road.

android application development There are lots of software companies as well as freelance developers who provide Android advancement solutions. Because Android is really an open source base, there’s no huge initial investment needed for creating apps. Marketing to countless users globally is very simple too. Employing an expert programmer from an organization gives you the following rewards:

Android advancement firms can fulfill the deadlines of consumers. Often a fresh idea needs fast action and also the application must be developed instantly to capture a big business before any opposition arrives. Android development firms have a couple of professionals who can work concurrently to get the wanted results in a brief time, while freelance programmers can’t maintain the pace.

Android application development firms have developed several apps previously that can offer new clients a concept about their abilities. More productive apps ensures they have more considerable experiences and they will not squander precious customers’ money and time.

Android improvement firms are professionals in the Android app market. They can create marketing plans to make the app preferred.

Having knowledge of the Android SDK, these firms can also improve the performance of a current application and also the Android phone.

Android development firms have considerable expertise in mobile app development. They’re well-acquainted with all the functions of design, improvement and assessment. They have pros who are well-competent in the Android SDK, Media channels, graphics, and so on, along with the safety structures and other engineering essentials to make high-quality apps. After the improvement stage they check the applications for all kinds of issues and diagnose if any issue arises.

The devoted android programmers also work based on your timely and high quality specifications if described earlier and will offer you the best mobile app advancement project. The committed android programmers are also very inexpensive due to the exchange amount difference in the nations and cheap work cost in the nations, which have supplies focused android developers. Search for these developers online and you’ll get many alternatives to choose. You have to ensure that you hire the most appropriate devoted android programmers for your android application development.

The founder as well as the author of developrobots, Ali Shivji is write here on the topic of “android application development”. Follow him by following youtube.

A Few Vital Steps to Design an Effective Mobile App

Today, cell phones are used extensively and has become a very high demand for everyone. By using a cell phone a lot of things become attainable as with the advancement in the technology, we’re benefitting many superior features in the mobile phones by which many of our jobs have become simple and easy, also it is now the top source of the enjoyment. You’ll find this amazing device nearly in everyone’s pocket particularly it’s the necessity of today’s age group. They can’t stay without them even a minute.

mobile app design and development Listed here are some vital steps for an effective mobile app design:


The application you are making must be as user-friendly as possible, this means you must make serious selections in terms of user interface (UI) factors for example; buttons and sliders. The general rule is to maintain interface factors at a minimum. Nonetheless, if you’re building an e-commerce app, you need to try to offer the customers an enjoyable shopping experience by including large check out button and the unlimited scroll capacity to allow customers to view items without reloading or even flipping through pages.


Your mobile app design must work as envisioned in your growth strategy. This implies it should operate accurately, constantly, and swiftly. Generally, functionality issues originate from the choices made in the mobile app development phase. For instance, if you plan to develop a mobile app, utilize the appropriate platform-specific encoding language (Java for Google Android or Objective-C for OS).


Design could make or break an app’s performance. Keep in mind, mobile phones have smaller monitors than the typical desktop computer and laptop. This element alone reshapes the cell design technique. It is because consumers have began to anticipate certain application designs when utilizing platform-specific cellular devices.


Don’t develop a duplicate of an existing application as you could face the rage of the customers or even encounter legal action over copyright violation.

The bottom line is, the development of a mobile app design is all about the consumer experience. It doesn’t need to be very fancy, simply to engage the interest of the viewers it is attempting to reach. It really must have the goal to assist users in their unique circumstances. In fact, mobile apps should provide comfort to individuals in the finishing of their jobs.

Ali Shivji is the CEO and the blogger of developrobots write here about “mobile app design”.. Click this link to know more about mobile app development or follow author on youtube.

Some Key Tips for Mobile App Development

Mobile phone applications have taken the whole world by stride, leaving an effect on all ages. The days are gone when people have to run back to their office to send an email. You can also allow your children to play with gaming apps on your phone that are made specifically for their age range. Nowadays, apps have attained immense recognition among the young generations as well. Youngsters are hugely receiving expertise and learning skills that are intended for leisure and enjoyment. They don’t need applications for professional reason but there is an endless amount of fun and enjoyable apps for kids.

mobile application development Here we talk about some of the suggestions that can assist you in effective mobile app development:

  • Mobile apps are created by keeping the customers needs in mind. If you’re developing an application for pros, it should manage his work, like arranging meetings and appointments and so forth. But if you are creating for kids, it must offer them an enjoyable setting. It is therefore necessary to develop customized based apps which are appropriate your target audience.
  • On the flip side, it is essential to keep things in balance between user requirements and your business targets. For attaining your target audience, make sure to satisfy user needs which often fulfill your business goals too, because of desired profit you wouldn’t fall short in any one of these.
  • Security is yet another element which requires consideration. While creating mobile apps, the creator needs to comprehend the tenderness of the user information and must make sure the app won’t compromise with the consumer data by any means.
  • Your mobile app development should be reliable and include great mobile application design that can lure the eye of maximum individuals worldwide.
  • These applications should be easy to use and create such a manner that they serve their assigned objective. Aside from this, the application should offer the utmost comfort and ease to the customers because intricate apps often puzzle the users while installing and using it.
  • Keep it uncomplicated. Having lots of info on the mobile screen, even though it’s about the app, might confuse your customers. Display appropriate info only and attempt to balance the key data, with the engaging features.
  • To make sure that the application has high popularity and that it is widely used among users, you have to give initial preference to the consumers needs and comfort.

Youngsters are fond of a number of leisure activities for example music, video games, arts and crafts and many others. It is possible to center your mobile app development around such activities to make sure that youngsters love it as well as feel linked to it. This will be the most efficient business technique to promote you among kids.

Ali Shivji is the passionate blogger and also the founder of www.developrobots.com write here about “mobile app development”. visit here for more and follow youtube to follow author.